Personal Injury

Automobile Versus Truck Accidents In The North Bay

By June 29, 2015No Comments

Large commercial trucks range in weight between 10,000 and 80,000 pounds and can reach lengths of up to 53 feet. An average passenger vehicle weighs roughly 3,000 pounds, so you can imagine the devastation when these two unmatched machines collide. Immense property damage, often resulting in the total decimation of a vehicle is common and extreme injuries that render a victim paralyzed or maimed are frequent.
In some extreme cases such accidents result in fatalities, leaving family members to deal with immense psychological and emotional distress  as well financial burdens as a result of medical bills and funerary expenses.
Truck accidents involving automobiles are caused by a wide array of factors that range from:

  • Maintenance Negligence: This occurs when a trucking company or driver fails to adequately maintain equipment and perform routine inspections. Without proper inspections, equipment can fall into disrepair and go unnoticed, causing dangerous situations on the highway.
  • Overloading Cargo: May create an unstable load that is more prone to roll over accidents
  • Excessive Speed: Lessens a driver’s reaction time to respond to road hazards and other drivers
  • Reckless and Aggressive Driving: While operating a large truck and trailer is unsafe for the driver and other motorists based on the sheer size and mass of the rig.
  • Equipment Malfunction: May cause the truck to become unstable, removing the integrity of its foundation and functionality.
  • Driving Under the Influence of an Illegal Substance: Is highly illegal and responsible for the severe impairment of judgment and ability to safely operate machinery.
  • Poor Driving Conditions such as a Snow and Ice: May cause large truck and trailer rigs to slide out of control, careening off of embankments or into other vehicles.
  • Driver Fatigue: Creates a volatile situation when you combine drowsiness and nodding off at the wheel in a massive piece of machinery traveling at high speeds
  • Impaired Vision from Night Driving: Makes it difficult for drivers to recognize potential road hazards and conditions.
  • Overloaded Trucks: Brake Failure: Makes it difficult or impossible to slow a heavy load safely, potentially resulting in a serious accident.
  • Inexperienced Drivers: May result in a collision based on a new truck operator’s lack of exposure to driving hazards when a commercial company does not take the time to sufficiently train and educate them to uphold the highest safety measures on the road.
  • Failure to Follow Posted Traffic Signage: Creates dangerous driving situations such as ignoring “one way” indications that may result in collisions with oncoming traffic.
  • Insufficient Driver Training: May result in a collision based on a new truck operator’s lack of exposure to driving hazards when a commercial company does not take the time to sufficiently train and educate them to uphold the highest safety measures on the road.
  • Defective or Damaged Equipment: May result in a malfunctioning of the truck and trailer, such as a tire blow out that can cause a truck to roll over based on it being rendered unstable.


Experience That Speaks For Itself

Following an accident with a commercial truck and trailer, it is not uncommon to be left with debilitating injuries and major financial burdens.
If you or someone you love have been involved in a truck related accident, contact The Law Offices Of Michael A. Fiumara today.
Having a skilled attorney on your side will be extremely important in establishing a solid case and to ensure compensation for damages suffered.  Commercial Trucking Companies and Insurance Providers will try their best to minimize responsibility and payout, so it is important to fully understand your rights.


With over 23 years of experience in dealing with Truck Injury Accidents within the state of California, the attorneys at the Law Offices of Michael A. Fiumara are committed to providing you with the exceptional legal services you need to obtain just compensation for your injuries.
Contact us today at 707-571-8600 OR 760-832-6118 and discover the difference a top notch personal injury law firm makes!
“The Right Attorney Makes All The Difference” 

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