Recent Case Results

When searching for the right Personal Injury and Criminal Defense Attorney in Sonoma or Marin Counties to recover compensation for you after an accident, you need to know what to look for in terms of the lawyer’s qualities.

One of the ways you can tell if an attorney is an excellent choice is by looking at his or her success record. Fiumara Law has represented clients for over two decades and has successfully recovered millions of dollars in damages for clients since 1992.

More than 98 percent of our lawsuits result in substantial settlements, because our focus is combined with an excellent trial record that defense attorneys pay to avoid.

Many of our clients have recovered damages ranging into the millions of dollars to cover their medical expenses, to replace their lost income and to compensate them for their pain, suffering and emotional distress.

Our firm approaches each case aggressively in order to get the best results, but we also recognize that our clients are going through some of the most difficult times in their lives. We will treat you with respect and compassion as we fight tirelessly to get you the results that you need and deserve.

Read through some of our recent case results below to see what we have been able to accomplish for our clients.

Personal Injury Case Results


Recent Great Criminal Defense Results

Fiumara Law PC—Recent Criminal Defense Results

Our team of experienced, dedicated and highly skilled criminal defense attorneys has over 60 years of combined criminal defense experience working for you.

We work tirelessly on every aspect of your case from arraignment through dismissal and/or sentencing to get you the most favorable outcome possible under the law. If trial is necessary, then we leave no stone unturned and present a vigorous and zealous defense until acquittal. WE are not afraid to go to trial!

Here is a partial Listing of the Law Firm’s recent Criminal Defense Results that we achieved for our satisfied clients:

Dismissal and finding of factual innocence – Charges were resisting arrest, possession of a controlled substance, and under the influence of a controlled substance.

Dismissal in court and with the DMVCharges were DUI.

Non-strike assault with force likely to produce great bodily injury with probationCharges were strike offense of battery causing serious bodily injury.

Misdemeanor DUI causing injury with probationCharged as felony DUI over .20% BAC with injury.

Felony DUI with injury, non-strike and prior strike allegation dismissedCharged as felony DUI with great bodily injury strike offense with a prior strike allegation.


JURY TRIAL ACQUITTAL–Client was charged with Penal Code 273a (b)—Endangering child or causing or permitting child to suffer physical pain, mental suffering or injury. The client’s daughter testified (she was 13 years old at trial, about an incident that occurred when she was 12) that her father punched her in the face “with a closed fist” leaving a scar and then wrapping a rope around her neck so she couldn’t even “swallow her saliva.”

Despite the daughter’s repeated testimony that on multiple occasions her father had punched her in her face with a closed fist and left a scar, the jury did not believe her.  The accuser’s testimony during trial that our client tied a rope around his daughter’s neck and said in Spanish that “I am doing this, so you die,” was also disbelieved.

The state’s witness tried to convince the jury that the daughter’s injury to her lip was consistent with a punch to the face or repeated strikes with a hard object. After counsel had the Jurors look closely at the photos and to our argument to the contrary, there was enough reasonable doubt to acquit the defendant—A victory!

We encouraged our client to testify which was a wise decision in this case. He was a more credible witness than his daughter and therefore convinced the jurors of the truth–that his daughter had a melt down and that during this emotional upheaval he put her in a “time out.”  She became so hysterical that she injured herself. Hence the injury was not caused by the father nor was it intentional.

The jury returned a verdict of – NOT GUILTY

“The Right Attorney Makes All the Difference“-Preparation, knowledge of the law, and acting quickly on our feet yields tremendous results!

More Recent Criminal Defense Results

  1. ANOTHER SUCCESFUL JURY TRIAL ACQUITTAL–Client was charged with misdemeanor Domestic Violence and Battery, Penal Code Sections 243(e)(1) and 242. Client was found NOT GUILTY of all charges after a trial by jury.
  2. Client was charged with Felony Burglary, Penal Code Section 459 and Misdemeanor Resisting Arrest, Penal Code Section 148. Charges were reduced to a misdemeanor and then diversion granted on both counts. Case DISMISSED after successful completion.
  3. Client was charged with Misdemeanor Driving Under the Influence or DUI, Vehicle Code 23152(a) and 23152(b). Charges were REDUCED to a Wet/Reckless, Vehicle Code 23103/23103.5. This resulted in reduced license suspension, 1/3 the fine, and no jail!
  4. Client charged with FELONY Domestic Violence, Penal Code Section 273.5. After negotiating with the District Attorney and only one Court appearance, the case was DISCHARGED. No criminal record. (client insisted on doing a video testimonial)
  5. Client charged with FELONY Possession of gun on school grounds, Penal Code Sections 25400(a)(1) and 9(b) and was sentenced to Jericho Project for six years. Client walked away after 3 days and absconded for six years. Upon his return, he faced 5 years 8 months in prison. After negotiating with the District Attorney, several court appearances, and writing a strong Sentencing Brief the client was given an unprecedented second chance at Jericho Project—NO PRISON time imposed.
  6. Client was charged with FELONY Burglary Penal Code Section 459 and Misdemeanor Battery Penal Code Section 242. Felony and misdemeanor battery charges were DISMISSED, and the case SETTLED for misdemeanor Theft, Penal Code Section 487c. Client was placed on Community Detention.
  7. Client charged with 2 FELONY counts of Credit Card Fraud, Penal Code Section 484g(b); one FELONY count of Theft, Penal Code Section 459 & one FELONY count of Burglary, Penal Code Section 485. Charges were reduced to only 1 misdemeanor petty theft charge, Penal Code Section 488. Client faced prison and deportation, but the case was resolved for no jail time, a small fine and eligible for expungement of record.
  8. ANOTHER SUCCESFUL JURY TRIAL ACQUITTAL– Client charged with FELONY Assault with a deadly weapon, Penal Code Section 245. Defendant was acquitted after a trial by jury.
  9. Client charged with FELONY use of false identification to establish citizenship status, Penal Code Section 114; FELONY Forging/ Possessing a Fraudulent Public Seal, Penal Code Section 472; and FELONY Identity Theft, Penal Code Section 530.5(a). All felony charges dismissed. Client plead to only a misdemeanor, unlawful use of false or fictitious name, Vehicle Code 20. No jail.
  10. Client charged with FELONY Unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, Penal Code Section 261.5(c) and FELONY unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor who is under 16 years of age, Penal Code Section 261.5(d). Charges were reduced to only 1 misdemeanor, ordered a mandated reporter, NOT required to register as a sex offender (Penal Code Section 11166(a)). No jail.
  11. Client charged with a MISDEMEANOR solicitation of a prostitute, Penal Code Section 647(b). Charges were DISMISSED upon successful completion of pre-trial diversion (CAD). No Court, no jail, no record.
  12. Client charged with 2nd MISDEMEANOR Petty Theft, Penal Code Section 488. Charges DISMISSED upon successful completion of pre-trial diversion (CAD). No Court, no jail, no record.
  13. Client charged with the following FELONIES: cultivation of marijuana, Health & Safety Code Section 11358; possession of marijuana for sale, Health & Safety Code Section 11359; unlawful renting a building for the purpose of storing and distributing marijuana, Health & Safety Code Section 11366.5(a) & possession of a firearm, Penal Code Section 29800(a)(1). ONLY plead to possession of a firearm, Penal Code Section 29800(a)(1) and sentenced to 5 months on home confinement. No jail.
  14. Client charged with misdemeanor, driving without a valid driver’s license, Vehicle Code Section 12500. Charge reduced to an infraction and no probation.
  15. Repeat offender client charged with three misdemeanors: Resisting arrest, Penal Code Section 148(a); Battery, Penal Code Section 242 and Petty Theft, Penal Code Section 484. Case resolved for a DISMISSAL upon successful Completion of FACT Court.
  16. Juvenile client charged with two FELONIES: Distribution of Child Pornography, Penal Code Section 311.10 and Possession of Child Pornography, Penal Code Section 311.11. All charges will be DISMISSED and criminal record automatically upon success completion of DEOJ/ Diversion.
  17. Minor client pupil charged with numerous sexual harassment Education Code Section violations. District planned to expel pupil and send him to continuation school. After ARPC/Expulsion Hearing pupil allowed to transfer to another high school, remain in school, continue counseling and can return to his former high school next semester.
  18. Repeat offender Client charged with 3 separate Violations of Probation for DUI/Drunk in Public. All VOP’s were DISMISSED in exchange for proof of IID installation.
  19. Client charged with FELONY Domestic Violence, Penal Code Section 273.5. Full ACQUITTAL after a 7-day jury trial!
  20. FELONY Evading Police, Penal Code Section 2800.2REDUCED to misdemeanor.
  21. DUI, Vehicle Code Sections 23152(a) and 23152(b) – REDUCED to a Wet and Reckless, Vehicle Code Section 23103.
  22. FELONY Domestic Violence, Penal Code Section 273.5 – REDUCED to a “simple assault,” Penal Code Section 240.
  23. Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor, Business & Professional Code Section 25658RESOLVED
  24. Resisting Arrest, Penal Code Section 148(a) & Drunk in Public, Penal Code Section 647(f)DISMISSED & record expunged
  25. Accident DUI, Vehicle Code Section 23153 – DISMISSED
  26. FELONIES Possession & Sale of Concentrated Cannabis, Health & Safety Code 11357REDUCED to misdemeanor.
  27. FELONY Domestic Violence, Penal Code Section 273.5 – DISMISSED
  28. Resisting Arrest, Penal Code Section 148(a); Drunk in Public, Penal Code Section 647(f); Violation of Noise Ordinance, Health & Safety Code Section 46000DISMISSED
  29. Resisting Arrest, Penal Code Section 148(a) & Drunk in Public, Penal Code Section 647(f)DISMISSED
  30. Resisting Arrest, Penal Code Section 148(a) & Public Intoxication, Penal Code Section 647(f)DISMISSED
  31. FELONY Domestic Violence, Penal Code Section 273.5 DISMISSED
  32. Resisting Arrest, Possession of Meth & Under the Influence (Juvenile) – DISMISSED
  33. Solicitation of a Prostitute, Penal Code Section 647(b)DISMISSED
  34. FELONY Assault & Battery with Great Bodily Injury (GBI) & Public Intoxication, Penal Code Section 242 DISMISSED & money reward.

Criminal Law

  • Not Guilty verdict after jury trial – Domestic Battery
  • Felony burglary, misdemeanor resisting arrest-diversion with dismissal
  • DUI reduced to wet reckless-resulted in reduced license suspension, lesser fine, and no jail!
  • Felony Domestic Violence Arrest– discharged/dismissed – See client testimonial
  • Probation violation Client facing 5 years 8 months in prison – given a second chance in an inpatient rehabilitation program
  • Felony Credit Card Fraud, Theft, and Burglary-charges reduced to only one misdemeanor
  • Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon-Not Guilty after Jury Trial
  • Felony false identification and identity theft charges – all felonies dismissed, client plead to one misdemeanor and did no jail time
  • Felony “statutory rape” – charges reduced, no jail and no sex offender registration
  • Solicitation of a Prostitute – diversion and dismissal
  • Petty Theft – diversion and dismissal
  • Felony cannabis cultivation, possession of a firearm – home confinement
  • Driving without a valid license – reduced to infraction
  • Client with criminal history charged with resisting arrest, battery, and petty theft – dismissed after completion of mental health court
  • Juvenile charged with child pornography distribution felonies – record sealed upon successful deferred entry of judgment
  • 3 separate probation violations for DUI – all VOPs dismissed
  • Felony Domestic Violence – Not Guilty Verdict after 7-day jury trial
  • Felony Evading a Police Officer – Reduced to misdemeanor
  • Felony Domestic Violence – Reduced to Simple Assault
  • Resisting Arrest, Drunk in Public, Dismissed and record expunged
  • DUI with injury – dismissed
  • Possession and Sale of Concentrated Cannabis felonies – reduced to misdemeanors
  • Felony Domestic Violence – Dismissed
  • Resisting Arrest, Drunk in Public, Violation of Noise Ordinance – Dismissed
  • Resisting Arrest, Drunk in Public – Dismissed
  • Resisting Arrest, Drunk in Public – Dismissed
  • Felony Domestic Violence – Dismissed
  • Resisting Arrest, Possession, and Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance (juvenile) – Dismissed
  • Solicitation of a Prostitute – Dismissed
  • Felony Assault with Great Bodily Injury and Public Intoxication – Dismissed

Video Testimonials

Recognition From Our Many Satisfied Clients

From Facebook, February 15, 2014

“Michael Fiumara is a tireless and effective advocate. If you are looking for ethical and compassionate representation you will not be disappointed. He is an asset to our local community, and the Legal Profession. With Michael’s Law Firm you will get the 100% effort that everyone deserves”

Michael Allen, Former California State Assemblyman


Letter to the Editor concerning the death of Edgar Perez Lopez, son of Marina Robledo, who died in 2009 in a crosswalk on Santa Rosa Avenue:

“As an attorney for the family I wanted to offer some thanks to two people who were not recognized in the article that was written today. In May of 2009, Ms. Robledo, went to local attorney Michael Fiumara to talk about the tragic death of her son. This is obviously a horribly difficult and courageous thing for a mother to do. Michael is a fantastic attorney who has dedicated much of his practice to the underserved latino community here in Sonoma County.

He himself has been active and vocal about the “Streetlight Reduction Program,” and how the latino community is sometimes unequally affected by public policy. Upon reviewing the police report of the fatal accident, Michael quickly recognized that the case involved complex issues of public entity (City) liability and contacted me to work together on the case.

Ms. Robledo fought for her son’s memory with us for 3 years, and even underwent cross-examination by the City’s attorneys. I did not want her courage, nor Michael’s dedication to the family, and the greater latino community, to go unrecognized.”

Jeremy R. Fietz, Esq.

“Thank you, the phrase is simple and the words are few, but behind them lies a world of appreciation.

Special people like you make the world a brighter place.”


“Dear Mr. Fiumara:

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you so very much for the excellent legal representation your Santa Rosa law office provided me early in the year.

I would also like to thank both Monica, and particularly attorney Ms. Anderson for the outstanding job she performed in representing me in court by assisting me in bringing my legal matters to a satisfactory conclusion.

I have enjoyed being represented by your law office: I always knew I was in good hands.

Thank you all once again…”

Maria Isabel Vencez – Santa Rosa, CA

“Thank you for the good work that you did for my son, (client)*. He is getting back on track now and planning his last semester at Georgia Tech. We were uncertain as to how this matter would be resolved, and not being present in court was a great concern to us as to how well (client)* would be defended. You delivered exactly the result that we needed and we are glad to close that chapter of our lives. Thank’s again and God Bless.”

Thomas B. – Georgia, US

* [purposely left out to preserve privacy]

“I have retained Michael Fiumara & his firm twice, my first experience; watching him in action was more than worth the price of admission. I liken his performance to watching Obi Wan Kenobi Jedi mind control the imperial storm troopers. He is an all-star talent, fighting the good fight, for the people in a justice system that is designed to crush all but the very wealthy. This is a lawyer you can trust; he is a man of principle, a man of honor.”

William M. – Santa Rosa, CA.

Outstanding dedication, genuine caring concern, thorough and complete preparation, tireless persistence: “Michael, his partners and his staff were there whatever it took. The DA and courts wanted to destroy a professional’s livelihood with a year of jail time for a DUI, but Michael held their feet to the fire until they agreed to supervised treatment, saving professional practice decades old.

After tragically far more experience with attorneys than anyone should suffer, I know Michael is one in a million. They all claim to care but Michael truly does. He refused to compromise, delivered and won against overwhelming odds.

In an increasingly punitive, hating, fascist world, Michael is a lighthouse. I know of none better.”

– Bob D. – Lagunitas, CA.

“Michael Fiumara and his team have been very helpful to us many times. He is very informative and gets the job done. We would highly recommend Michael for anything involving the public school system, which if it were not for Michael our son many not have graduated. He has also represented our son in other matters as well. We have the utmost confidence in Michael and his office to be extremely professional. We are so grateful to have him as our lawyer.”

– Claudia S. – Santa Rosa, CA.

“My husband and I hired Attorney Michael Fiumara to assist us with a legal issue. We had spoken to several attorneys in the Sonoma County area and were not impressed with any of them until we met Mr. Fiumara.

We knew from the moment we met him that he would be the only person to represent us. Mr. Fiumara is the utmost professional, yet exudes compassion and understanding, listens to what we had to say and ran with the ball until he made everything right. Mr. Fiumara kept us informed of all the court dates, procedures and information changes without ruffling our feathers and kept us out of court as he attended all the necessary appearances on our behalf. He fully understands the legal process, is no nonsense, keeps the lines of communication open at all times and has a courteous and extremely helpful “on the ball” staff.

I can’t say enough about Mr. Fiumara and his staff and feel forever grateful and relieved to have chosen such an incredible and dynamic attorney to represent us through an immensely difficult and frightening time in our lives. We both consider Michael Fiumara to be “our” savior while going through the legal system. He will forever be a friend.”

– Elena C. – Rio Nido, CA

“Was not sure if your firm had seen this … I just wanted to say thank you again to EVERYONE that worked on this… He is doing great in his program and recently graduated his computer class HIGHER than anyone ever has out of this program. He was able to come home for Thanksgiving this past week…first one spent with him in 2 years, thanks to all of you. He sends his best to all and will stop by for a visit as soon as is allowed. Thank you again.”

– Client’s Mother

(This case involved a young man who was involved in a home robbery invasion. He was also in possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia at the time. He had a minor criminal record and was facing nine years in San Quentin Prison. After almost a year of negotiating with the District Attorney, we persuaded the Judge to have the defendant sent to San Quentin for a 90-day diagnostic review. In agreement with my analysis, and the findings of our experts, the defendant was found not suitable for prison. We were able to get defendant into a suitable drug treatment program. A nine year prison term was converted into a felony probation sentence with the idea that the defendant would be rehabilitated. This case is significant to me, because we were able to give this young man a new lease on life, and we saved taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in incarceration costs. A win-win situation!)

“When I think of Michael A Fiumara the statement “Getter Done” comes to mind…”

– Susan Barnett-Kiengsiri

“Just used Fiumara”s service. Top-notch, as far as I am concerned.”

– Ron Pasquariello

“Because your life matters only the finest of legal representation will do. You need representation that will aggressively battle on your behalf.”

– Amy Howder-Thompson

” Michael Fiumara is a dedicated, compassionate lawyer.”

– Noreen

“An awesome attorney if needed.”

– Rocky

“…. I appreciate all your office has done for me in helping me to regain all the losses, and emotional turmoil my family and I have gone through.”

– Kathy

“Dear Michael, I just wanted to write you this note to let you know how much I appreciate all that you have done for me. If it wasn’t for you I’d probably be in Prison. This program has done so much for me. Next week I’ll have 9 months clean and sober. My life has completely changed, and if it wasn’t for your help it wouldn’t be like this. Thank you so much.”

– Lori

“I like to say thank you very much to you and your staff for all the great work you did for us in regard to the (confidential) letter. We for the first time have peace in the neighborhood… I will gladly use your services again. With great appreciation.”

– Mary

“Thank you for your efforts on our behalf. Our quality of life has increased 100% and we can only hope it will continue…”

– Dwayne

“Thanks for being you. What you have done for me means so much. I will never forget your kindness and professionalism. P.S. Have lunch on me.”

– Liz

“You are not only a lifesaver, but a very kind and generous man. Harold and I are very thankful for your thoughtfulness and your help. God Bless you.”

– Harold and Reena

“Thank you again for your efforts in settling my case. This has made an incredible difference in my life. Thanks again and take care.”

– Kendra

“Thank you…not just for what you did, which was wonderful, but for the way you did it.”

– Loretta (Personal Injury Client)

“Thank you for everything you have done to help me throughout what was potentially one of the worst times in my life. I learned my lesson and it will never ever happen again!”

– Jeffrey (Criminal Defense Client)

“Your caring attention, time and patience are so appreciated. It makes one trust humanity in knowing that someone like you is there as an advocate for human rights. Thank you so much for your concern and professional advice…”

– Mary

“…Still walking on clouds, you are the best! How can I thank you enough! You have been an exceptional lawyer but most of all a real beautiful human being. Thank you for giving me my self-esteem back.”

– Denise (Criminal Defense Client)

“You have been so very generous with your time and effort. Enclosed is a small check and I will send monthly installments as I am able.”

– Virginia L.

“Your time is valuable, but I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to you for sharing part of it.”

– Pro Bono client, Fred

“We were thankful to have had you as our attorney. Thank you for caring – thank you also for keeping us well-informed of the progress of our case.”

– Raule and Rene

“It is hard to find enough words to thank you for everything that you have done for me. You were so kind, understanding and compassionate to all my problems. Thank you for sending me to Doctor [purposely left out to preserve privacy]. He is a wonderful man and helped me so much. Thank you for the beautiful card you sent me. I love it. With all my best wishes, ever grateful.”

– Alexandra

“Dear Michael, Just a quick note to thank you for today. You are so great and gifted at what you do. You really put D. at ease – not to mention me. We appreciate everything you are doing and regardless of the final outcome, I will consider you a friend and one helluva attorney!”

– ML